REVIEW|Cinderella at Bristol Hippodrome

Monday, December 26, 2022

Photo Credit: Stephen Lewis

Bristol Hippodrome
Seen: 23rd December
Running until 31st December 2022

Whilst on a trip to the West Country to visit my brother, I took a break to visit the Bristol Hippodrome to see their pantomime 'Cinderella'. With their lead names including Craig Revel Horwood as the evil Baronette Hardup and local favourite Andy Ford as Buttons, this show had all of the best bits of a classic panto from jokes about the local area as well as some almost slightly risky jokes for the adults and some classic slapstick for the younger members of the audience to boot.

The show, written by Alan McHugh with additional material by Andy Ford himself, follows the classic story of the fairy tale started with the Fairy Godmother Alison Jiear setting the scene and starting the show with a gorgeous song before introducing the audience to Cinderella, played by Lauren Hampton and also the ensemble who worked tirelessly throughout the show, singing and dancing and being a key part of the show. Lauren made an excellent Cinderella alongside her Prince Charming, who in my performance was played brilliantly by understudy Solomon Davy and together they had impeccable chemistry especially as according to the cast at the end of the show had been "thrown together" at short notice the day before and the same with Daniel Norford as Dandini, Prince Charming's sidekick.

Photo Credit: Stephen Lewis

Revel Horwood's Strictly prowess was tested with a fantastic dance moment in the second act and he was to quote himself "Fab-u-Lous" and if you are a fan of the show then you will not be disappointed as there are many references and catchphrases that he uses on the telly. His villain character is very fun and not too scary, he almost made me not want to boo him as I was enjoying his performance throughout the show alone as well as along side his two "evil step daughters" Tess and Claudia played by Leanne Jones and Catherine Morris. 

So a great cast, sprinkled in with some panto laughs, fantastic costumes and topped with festive magic, it had even the adults up and joining in at times. It also made me realise how much fun a pantomime can be and why it is definitely worth exploring different theatres because you never know how much fun it will be.

The panto is running at the Bristol Hippodrome until 31st December and it would a disaster if you missed it. Tickets are available through the ATG website here.


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