REVIEW|Nativity the Musical

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Photo Credit:Pamela Raith

Nativity the Musical
Birmingham Rep
★ ★ ★ ★

We all have our favourite Christmas films, for some it's Elf, for some others it's Die Hard, for me, hands down it's Nativity.  The musical version, which had it's premiere in 2017 in Birmingham, has all the beloved songs from the film alongside additional songs written by Debbie Isitt and Nicky Ager, who are the people behind the music in the film. The show, which has been on a few tours since its initial run, has returned to the Birmingham Rep for this festive season and I returned to St Bernadette's Primary School for a little Christmas Joy.

The creative team for this production remain mostly the same as previous productions including David Woodhead's set design and Tim Mitchell's lighting design, which gives the show the feel of a well warn warm Christmas jumper to a repeat viewer like myself but to a new watcher it still has it's surprises and new exciting places to explore with your eyes.

The cast themselves are excellent. Firstly the real stars of the show, the children-from both schools Oakmoor and St Bernadette's, were amazing. Very impressive, super cute and talented to boot. The "big kids" in the show (the adults) were a great ensemble too. From the return to Jamie Chapman and Jemma Churchill who played Patrick Burns and Mrs Bevan respectively. It was a pleasure to watch both take on their roles again especially Jamie in his various role in the show including my current personal favourite of dancing Christmas Tree which caused me a good titter in my seat.

Photo Credit:Pamela Raith

The key duo of Mr Maddens and Mr Poppy with played by Billy Roberts and Ben Lancaster. "Paddens" were the perfect duo as their energies and characters worked so well against each other. Ben took the role of Mr Poppy to just the right level of funny, leaving me laughing and was a very talented roller skater and Billy played Mr Maddens in such a way that endeared you to him wanting to get on a plane to bring home his long lost love back for him to right the Christmas wrong.

The "villian" of the show, Mr Shakespeare, a teacher at a rival school was played this year by Matthew Rowlands and he was brilliant. I have had the joy of watching Matthew perform in a few shows over the past few years but this role is something different from him with him playing the "bad guy" and I really enjoyed seeing him take this role on.

Jennifer, Mr Madden's lost love and Hollywood's own, was played by Daisy Steere who was an absolute delight to watch and her work alongside Cameron Johnson as the Hollywood boss was lovely to watch as she helped to make him more kind...a Christmas Miracle.

The entire cast were excellent and a joy to watch and love Tom Hext who played the hilarious Mr Rye as well as working with the other teachers and adult ensemble and swings Ralph Bogard, Sydney Isitt-Ager, Callum Train, Eliza Waters and Louie Wood who were absolutely fantastic and truly looked like they were having the best time on the stage.

Photo Credit:Pamela Raith

As I'd hoped this production has all the joy, happiness, sparkle and shine that I could shake a tinselled stick at, it is the perfect way to enter the Christmas season with and if you want the festive feeling to keep going past the 25th, you can catch Nativity the Musical at the Birmingham Rep until 7th January 2023.

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