REVIEW|Mamma Mia UK & International Tour 2023

Sunday, January 22, 2023

2022 Cast Photo.Credit:Brinkhoff/Mögenburg

Mamma Mia (UK & International Tour)
Wolverhampton Grand Theatre
★ ★ ★

There is nothing more exciting than when a tour begins at your home venue, especially when that show is a modern classic such as Mamma Mia so when it was announce that it would begin its 2023 UK & International tour in the Wolverhampton Grand, you know I returned for another trip to Mediterranean.

This show is such an institution, currently in its 23rd year in the West End and also with it's own VERY popular movie version so the crowd were in good spirits and the show did not disappoint and neither did the cast. The hard working ensemble were amazing to watch, giving 110% to every move they make and never seeming to break a sweat.

First person on the stage Jess Michelmore who plays Sophie owned the stage from the first beat, with her gorgeous voice and glorious chemistry with each of her prospective dads, her mum Donna and her Fiancé Sky (played by the scot Christopher Foley), who already have great chemistry playing the young couple in love brilliantly.

2022 Cast Photo.Credit:Brinkhoff/Mögenburg

The "dads" were another highlight of the show. Each one has their solo moments with both their "daughter" Sophie and with their ex lover Donna and each had their time to shine. Harry played by Neal Craig brought a fun aspect to the song Our Last Summer which I've not seen before and Sam played by Richard Standing worked excellently alongside real life wife Sara Poyzer as Donna. Obviously we all know how their story ends but it was great to watch the journey between the two ex lovers throughout the show.

Phil Corbitt as Bill was possibly my favourite of the trio mainly down to his work with Nicky Swift as Rosie in the second act, which was one of the best performances during the song Take a Chance on Me I've ever seen, I literally howled with laughter.

2022 Cast Photo.Credit:Brinkhoff/Mögenburg

Speaking of Rosie, let's finish with what have to be the true stars of the show, Donna and the Dynamos otherwise known as Donna (Sara Poyzer), Rosie (Nicky Swift) and Tanya (Sarah Earnshaw), who were absolutely excellent.  

Sara's portrayal of Donna was incredible, with so much power, heart and emotion behind her performance, you can believe that you are in for a good watch with this seasoned performer of this character having played it previously in the West End and in past tour productions too. Same with Swift's performance as Rosie, who was just excellent as the slightly comedic role of Donna's best friend. Sarah Earnshaw's portrayal of Tanya was something new for me having seen Sarah previously on stage in different shows but I truly enjoyed her taking on this new role.

It's safe to say that I would 100% recommend this tour production if it is heading towards you over the next few weeks and months, before ending the tour with a little jaunt to the home of ABBA themselves Scandinavia. Tour details and tickets are available from the Official Website.

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