REVIEW| Pride & Prejudice (sort of) UK Tour

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Photo Credit:Mihaela Bodlovic

Pride & Prejudice (sort of)
UK Tour
The Rep, Birmingham

Like many people in the world I have a soft spot for the stories of Jane Austen, the romance, the strong female characters it all adds up to perfection. So when it was announced that one of Austen's most famous stories was getting a little make over Pride & Prejudice (Sort Of) I knew that I would need to get a ticket to check it out.

This unique and hilarious retelling of the classic story was a surprise to say the least, just when you think you know what to expect you are thrown another. It begins with the five female cast members as maids and staff for a large house in their smock dresses, boots and rubber gloves before beginning to retell the iconic story we all know and love in a way only they can. Isobel McArthur's writing keeps the story fresh but familiar, adding in humour, swearing and some strong language in such a way that it's not too much but just the right amount. 

The design of this show is excellent, both costume and set have been designed by Ana Inés Jabares-Pita.
 The brilliance of the costumes is that maid's smock is the base for all the other many various over costumes as each actor takes on a multitude characters and the set although simple in design is clever with its hiding holes and a grand staircase to hold all the action on.

Photo Credit:Mihaela Bodlovic

The cast of this show is small but mighty, a cast of five chameleon like actors who have many strings to each of their bows, having the skill and talent to take on all the main characters from Austen's classic story. Lucy Gray (pictured in the centre above) takes on the role of narrator of sorts as well as Charlotte Lucas and both Bingley siblings, the cruel and dislikable Caroline Bingley as well as the playful almost puppy like Charles Bingley all of which Gray takes on with skill and flare. Megan Louise Wilson also takes on two completely different characters with her portrayal of the sweet and kind Jane Bennett and also the owner of Rosings Park Lady Catherine de Bourgh, who is vastly less kind and cruel very cleverly.

Emmy Stonelake plays the pivotal character of Elizabeth Bennet, which was a joy to watch especially with the language that was unlike any Bennet sister I've ever heard and I really enjoyed her version of a very well known and loved character. Dannie Harris took on the other important character Mr Darcy will all the pomp and circumstance that was needed, I also enjoyed the nod to the famous lake scene from Colin Firth's version. Harris also takes on the role of Mrs Bennet with an ease, wit and humour too...truly excellent.

Photo Credit:Mihaela Bodlovic

Leah Jamieson, the final of the glorious quintet, seems to have the most fun in her roles as two of the younger Bennett sisters, Lydia and Mary as well as Mrs Gardiner. Jamieson, like all mentioned before was excellent in her roles and I truly thing that everyone on the stage was AMAZING. The show is absolutely hilarious, perfect for any fan of Jane Austen but also the complete novice to the story, it will entertain all. Fully worth a watch during the last few venues on this tour, hopefully it won't be the last we see of this phenomenal show.

For more information, click HERE.


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