REVIEW|My Son's a Queer (But What Can You Do?)

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Photo Credit:Mark Senior

My Son's a Queer, But What Can You Do?
Garrick Theatre, London
October 2022

Like many people, I was reacquainted with the wonderful Rob Madge in the glory days of lockdowns, in which he made many a funny video on social media or with their excellent Leave the Light On streamed concert. During 2020, Rob also started writing this hit autobiographical one person show called My Son's a Queer, But What Can You Do? in which they tell their own story growing up in the West Midlands, complete with costume changes, songs and projected home movie clips on a large screen at the back of the stage.

The show, which is set in Rob's childhood living room and follows their journey through childhood, weaving each story with humour, laughs and emotions leaving you gripped for the entire sixty five minutes. The show also features songs written by Rob and Pippa Clearly that will stay in your head and hearts for long after the show has ended.

Photo Credit:Mark Senior

Everyone has the ability to take something from this show, you will laugh, cry and want to be an honorary Madge. I'm so glad I had the opportunity to see this show during it's run at the Garrick Theatre, after past runs at Turbine Theatre and also the Edinburgh Fringe. 

The show runs at the Garrick until 6th November and I would 100% recommend the show to everyone, maybe pack a tissue or two. Hopefully this show will not end here, it needs a tour or stream so that everyone has the chance to see this excellent show. 


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